5th International Conference on Production Engineering and Management
The modern European engineer: knowledge, technical competencies and intercultural communication skills
The University of Trieste and the University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe introduced an International Double Degree Master Programme “Production Engineering and Management” in 2011.
The aim is to give students from Germany and Italy, but also from abroad, the chance to learn the necessary abilities from lecturers and by each other. The International Conference “Production Engineering and Management in Furniture Industry” was carried out for the first time in June 2011 and it is now at its fifth edition.
The conference is a platform aimed at presenting up-to-date research projects, introducing young academics to the tradition of symposiums and, last but not least, promoting the exchange of ideas and experience between the industry and the academy.
Aims of the conference
The conference has been established as an annual meeting in the context of the International MSc programme Production Engineering and Management between the two partners University of Trieste (I) and University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe (D).
The conference aims:
- to present current results of research projects
- to discuss the recent developments in industry and society
- to bring together professionals, specialists and students
- to enable the exchange of experiences between professionals, researchers and professors
- to introduce young professionals and master students to the environment of a scientific conference
- to offer master and Ph.D. students the chance to present their work
- to attract students for an international career in the manufacturing branch
- to encourage students to be open minded and broaden their own cultural horizons.
Topics of the Conference
- Industrial Engineering and Lean Management
- Product life-cycle: from concept to market
- Technology and supporting services for manufacturing
- Supply Chain design and management
Call for Proposals
The PEM 2015 Scientific Committee invites proposals for individual presentations and papers on the following topics:
- Industrial Engineering and Lean Management
- Product life-cycle: from concept to market and use
- Technology and supporting services for manufacturing
- Supply Chain design and management
Presentations may highlight empirical studies and case studies, methodological work, theoretical and conceptual development, etc.
We invite you to submit a short abstract (150-300 words) of your contribution. This should include a title, the authors’ names (with the corresponding author’s e-mail address) and 3 to 5 keywords.
After the abstract acceptance, authors are invited to prepare a full paper of about 10 pages and an oral presentation to be held at the conference: the presentations are limited to a maximum of 15 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions and discussion. In addition, the authors will receive instructions in order to submit the final paper for the blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
The corresponding authors should submit their abstracts by e-mail to the Italian Scientific coordinator (Elio Padoano) at padoano@units.it
The Call for Abstracts will close on April 1, 2015.
[via Ristes.dia.UniTS.it]